Academic Program
Livingston Collegiate's Course Progression
9th Grade Courses
- English I
- Math (Algebra I, or Geometry)
- Earth & Environmental Science
- Global Justice (World Geography)
- Physical Education 1 and 2
- Writing
- Fine Art Elective
10th Grade Courses
- English II
- Math (Geometry, or Algebra II / Pre-Calculus)
- Chemistry
- World History
- Elective
- Spanish 1 and 2
- Personal Finance
11th Grade Courses
- English III
- Math (Algebra II / Pre-Calculus)
- Biology
- Physics
- U.S. History
- Elective
- ACT Prep
- College Success Class
12th Grade Courses
- English IV
- Math (Stats / Algebra III / Pre-Calculus or Calculus)
- Physics
- Seminar in Social Justice (Civics)
- College Success Class
- Electives or Early Release
Special Partnerships
Bard Early College
Bard Early College (BECNO) is a selective program offered to 11th and 12th graders at Livingston. Livingston students accepted into BECNO take liberal arts style, seminar courses at Bard’s campus on St. Claude Avenue. Students earn both college and high school credit through this program and could finish high school with up to a year’s worth of college credit. Learn more at
New Orleans Career Center
New Orleans Career Center (NOCC) provides students with instruction and the opportunity to earn Industry Based Credentials (IBCs) in engineering, emergency medical services, pre-nursing, and more. Livingston students who choose to participate in NOCC spend half of their day at Livingston and half at NOCC. Students earn high school credit, college credit, and IBCs through this program. Learn more at
New Orleans Technical Education Provider
New Orleans Technical Education Provider (NOTEP) provides students with skilled craft training in both electrical and carpentry work. Livingston students who choose to participate in NOTEP take one course on NOTEP’s campus each day. Students earn both high school credit and industry-based credentials through this program. Learn more at
Operation Spark
Operation Spark is an after-school and summer program for students interested in computer coding and web development. Operation Spark teaches students the core concepts of computer programming, basic front-end web development skills, and provides students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems. Livingston students who participate in Operation Spark take courses once a week after school or during the summer. Learn more at